Follow the true story of the world’s worst soccer team. At a 2001 world cup qualification game, the American Samoa-team suffered a legendary 31-0 defeat. Twelve years later, a new team is determined to redeem their honor. Their lack of skill won’t stop them from giving it their all. Oscar-winning director Taika Waititi (Jojo Rabbit, Thor: Ragnarok) once again showcases his talent for blending humor and emotion seamlessly.
103 min.Spoken language
Comedy, Drama, SportDirector
Taika WaititiPremiere
National premiereLocation
Trianon 1Actors
Michael Fassbender, Oscar Kightley, KaimanaFilms is also screened on:
Independent: Selections
Films from established authors and independent makers with their own style. In this program, you will see the newest films from directors who have already established their place in the canon (and in our hearts). This program largely consists of previews and Dutch premieres of those films that we will be talking about for months to come. These films cannot be skipped!